Global MD Portfolio Management
Our Investment Process
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» Our Investment Process
Determination of Risk Profile
The first step of an investment process is the determination of investor’s risk profile. Since all investors have different attitudes towards risk (willingness & ability), it is important to consider their risk profile or tolerance including the comfort level with the possiblity of losing money or those investment returns could vary from year to year. This will help to determine a suitable asset allocation in line with investors’ investment experience, risk tolerance, investment goals & objectives, investment time frame, liquidity/cash requirements, age & income.
Determination of Investment Strategies
Following the determination of risk profile, and in parallel with our funds’ limitations, we use a combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches while determining our investment strategies. Top-down investing involves analyzing the "big (macro) picture". Investors using this approach look at the economy and try to forecast which industry will outperform others. These investors then look for individual companies within the chosen industry and add the stock to their portfolios. Conversely, a bottom-up investor overlooks broad sector and economic conditions; instead focuses on selecting a stock based on the individual attributes of a company. Advocates of the bottom-up approach simply seek strong companies with good prospects, regardless of industry or macroeconomic factors.
Implementation of Investment Strategies
Implementations of investment strategies in a way to generate value-added is as important as stock selection. To that end, we use our parent Global Securities’ top quality human resource and IT infrastructure.
Follow-up of Strategy Changes
The only thing that does not change is the change itself. From a portfolio mangement perspective, markets and client circumstances may change over the course of the investment horizon. Therefore, a regular follow-up should be warranted for the managed portfolios in order to implement required changes in a timely and value generating manner.
Portfolio Performance Evaluation
It is important to see what value the porftolio managers create within their investment constraints as well as the source of it. Our portfolios’ performances are updated on a daily basis and adjusments are made if necessary in order to comply with risk/return expectations of the managed portfolios.
Portfolio Reporting
Reporting is the final step of an effective portfolio management and refers to provide managers’ performance to all relevant parties (investors, Capital Market Board etc.). We provide on a daily basis the performance of our portfolios for different time periods in a transparent manner.